Trigger Events¶
Note that commands to set trigger event parameters are not valid if the OXYGEN is within a measurement.
Syntax |
:TRIGger:GET? |
Description |
Queries the number, enabled state and the name of all stored trigger events |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Returns a list of elements alternating the numeric event-number, the event-enabled state and the event-name. Note: this is the default query in the trigger subsystem (see examples) |
Return Format |
(<Integer>, <ON|OFF>, <String>)[,(<Integer>, <ON | OFF>, <String>)[,…]] | NONE |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:GET? <- (1,ON,"Event 1"),(2,ON,"My Event") ... -> :TRIG? //use as default query <- (1,ON,"Event 1"),(2,ON,"My Event") |
Syntax |
:TRIGger:RESet |
Description |
Delete all trigger events |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
This command removes all trigger events |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:RESet -> :TRIGger? <- NONE |
Syntax |
:TRIGger:ADDevent |
Description |
Add a new trigger event |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Add a new single trigger event to the trigger subsystem. If no event-name is specified then default name “Event <next event-number>” is assigned |
Example |
-> :TRIGger? <- :NONE //no Events -> :TRIGger:ADDevent -> :TRIGger:ADDevent "My Event" -> :TRIG? <- (1,ON,"Event 1"),(2,ON,"My Event") |
:TRIGger:EVent<context> Commands and Queries¶
The Oxygen trigger subsystem facilitates one or more trigger events, to control the OXYGEN recording setup. Each event can be identified by a corresponding event number and an event name. The event number is used as context for several commands and queries and directs each command to the dedicated event (e.g. :TRIGger::EVent<event-number>:…). If no number is specified, event number 1 is assumed.
Each event is constructed with one or more condition(s) and one or more action(s). For each condition and each action a corresponding number is dedicated. These numbers also can be used as context numbers for specific condition and action commands (e.g. :TRIGger::EVent<Number>:CONDition<condition-number>:…).
The following commands and queries can be used to query and setup all available Oxygen trigger events.
Syntax |
TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:SETup? |
Description |
Queries the state, name, conditions and actions of a specific trigger event |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Returns the state, name and a list of all conditions and all actions specified for the event with the corresponding event number. Note: this is the default query in the trigger event subsystem (see example). |
Return Format |
<ON | OFF>,<String>[,(Condition)[,…]] [,(Action)[,…]] | NONE |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent2:SETup? <- ON,"Event 2" //Event 2 without any condition or action ... -> :TRIG:EV? //use as default query, event number 1 is assumed <- ON,"Event 1",(CONDITION,HIGHLEVEL,0.0,OFF,"1886450731343413248") //no action configured |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>[:SETup] {<String>} | {{ON|OFF},<String>}¶
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:SETup {<String>} | {{ON|OFF},<String>} |
Description |
Sets the state and/or name and state of the corresponding event |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Sets the current state and/or name of the corresponding event. The state should be ON or OFF. Note: this is the default command in the trigger event subsystem (see example). |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent2:SETup? <- OFF,"Event 2" //Event without any condition or action -> TRIGger:EVent2:SETup "My Event" //set name and the state enabled -> :TRIG:EV2? <- ON,"My Event" -> :TRIG:EV2 OFF,"My Event 2" -> :TRIG:EV2? <- OFF,"My Event 2" |
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:VALId? |
Description |
Queries validation state of the corresponding event |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Returns TRUE if the event has a valid configuration. FALSE is returned if the event does not exist, a condition is missing, or any of the conditions and actions are mismatched. |
Return Format |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:VALId? <- TRUE -> :TRIG:EV2:VALI? <- FALSE |
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:DELete |
Description |
Deletes the trigger event with the corresponding event number |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Deletes the trigger event with all conditions and actions. Note: All subsequent events are reordered with a new event number. If no event number is specified, event 1 is deleted. |
Example |
-> :TRIGger? <- (1,ON,"Event 1"),(2,ON,"Event 2"),(3,ON,"Event 3") -> :TRIGger:EVent2:DELete -> :TRIGger? <- (1,ON,"Event 1"),(2,ON,"Event 3") -> :TRIGger:EVent2:DELete -> :TRIGger? <- (1,ON,"Event 1") |
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:ADDCondition |
Description |
Add a new trigger event condition to the event |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Add a new single condition to the corresponding trigger event. If no event-number is specified as context event number 1 is assumed. The constructed condition is a high level condition with its own default parameters. For changing the condition type or parameters see the condition setup commands below. |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1? <- ON,"Event 1" -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ADDCondition -> :TRIGger:EVent1? <- ON,"Event 1",(CONDITION,HIGHLEVEL,0.0,OFF) //event 1 with one high level condition |
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:ADDAction |
Description |
Add a new trigger event action to the event |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Add a new single action to the corresponding trigger event. If no event-number is specified as context event number 1 is assumed. The constructed action is a recording action with start recording as default parameter. For changing the action type or parameters see the action setup commands below. |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1? <- ON,"Event 1" -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ADDAction -> :TRIGger:EVent1? <- ON,"Event 1",(ACTION,RECORDING,START) //event 1 with one recording action |
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:CONDition<condition-number>:GET? |
Description |
Queries the condition type and parameter of the corresponding trigger event condition |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Returns the condition type and all of the specific parameters for this type. Note: this is the default query in the trigger event condition subsystem (see sample example). |
Return Format |
([<condition-type>[,<parameter 1>[,…]]]) | NONE
For a detailed parameter name and description of all trigger event conditions see the condition setup commands below. |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1:GET? <- NONE -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ADDCondition -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? //use as default query <- (CONDITION,HIGHLEVEL,0.0,OFF) -> :TRIG:EV:COND? //short form <- (CONDITION,HIGHLEVEL,0.0,OFF) |
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:CONDition<condition-number>:VALId? |
Description |
Queries validation state of the condition |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Returns TRUE if the condition has a valid configuration. FALSE is returned if the condition does not exist, or one or more parameters are missing or mismatched (e.g. no channel assigned). |
Return Format |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1:VALId? <- TRUE |
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>::CONDition<condition-number>:DELete |
Description |
Deletes the trigger condition with corresponding condition number |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Deletes the trigger condition with the corresponding condition number from the corresponding event. Note: All subsequent conditions are reordered with a new condition number. If no condition number is specified, condition 1 is deleted. |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1? <- ON,"Event 1",(CONDITION,HIGHLEVEL,0.0,OFF),(CONDITION,KEYBOARD,SINGLE,"Shift+C") -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1:DELete -> :TRIGger:EVent1? <- ON,"Event 1",(CONDITION,KEYBOARD,SINGLE,"Shift+C") |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:CONDition<condition-number>:HIGHlevel:SETup <nrf>,<literal>|<nrf>,<String>[,<String>[,…]]¶
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:CONDition<condition-number>:HIGHlevel:SETup <nrf>,<literal>|<nrf>,<String>[,<String>[,…]] |
Description |
Converts corresponding condition to a high level condition |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Converts the corresponding condition to a high level condition and sets its parameter. Note: the rearm level param should be ON or OFF or a numric value (see channel range). If this parameter is a numeric value the rearm level is enabled automatically. |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1:GET? <- NONE -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ADDCondition -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? //same GET as default query <- (CONDITION,HIGHLEVEL,0.0,OFF) -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1:HIGHlevel:SETup 1,0.5,"17342517731483713537","17342517731483713538" -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,HIGHLEVEL,1.0,5.0E-1,"17342517731483713537","17342517731483713538") -> :TRIG:EV1:COND1:HIGH 1,0.5,"17342517731483713537","17342517731483713538" //short command -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,HIGHLEVEL,1.0,5.0E-1,"17342517731483713537","17342517731483713538") |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:CONDition<condition-number>:LOWlevel:SETup <nrf>,<literal>|<nrf>,<String>[,<String>[,…]]¶
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:CONDition<condition-number>:LOWlevel:SETup <nrf>,<literal>|<nrf>,<String>[,<String>[,…]] |
Description |
Converts corresponding condition to a low level condition |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Converts the corresponding condition to a low level condition and sets its parameter. Note: the rearm level param should be ON or OFF or a numric value (see channel range). If this parameter is a numeric value the rearm level is enabled automatically. |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1:GET? <- NONE -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ADDCondition -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,HIGHLEVEL,0.0,OFF) -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1:LOWlevel:SETup 0.5,1.0,"17342517731483713537","17342517731483713538" -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,LOWLEVEL,5.0E-1,1.0,"17342517731483713537","17342517731483713538") -> :TRIG:EV1:COND1:LOW 0.5,1.0,"17342517731483713537","17342517731483713538" //short command -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,LOWLEVEL,5.0E-1,1.0,"17342517731483713537","17342517731483713538") |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:CONDition<condition-number>:INwindow:SETup <nrf>,<nrf>,<literal>|<nrf>,<literal>|<nrf>,<String>[,<String>[,…]]¶
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:CONDition<condition-number>:INwindow:SETup <nrf>,<nrf>,<literal>|<nrf>,<literal>|<nrf>,<String>[,<String>[,…]] |
Description |
Converts corresponding condition to a in window condition |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Converts the corresponding condition to a in window condition and sets its parameters lower level, upper level and channel ids. For lower and upper level see the channel range min-max for relevant values. |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1:GET? <- NONE -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ADDCondition -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,HIGHLEVEL,0.0,OFF) -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1:INwindow:SETup -0.5,0.5,-0.6,0.6,"5906189427729760280","5906189427729760281" -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,INWINDOW,-5.0E-1,5.0E-1,-1.0E-1,1.0E-1,"5906189427729760280","5906189427729760281") -> :TRIG:EV1:COND1:IN -0.5,0.5,-0.6,0.6,"5906189427729760280","5906189427729760281" // short command -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,INWINDOW,-5.0E-1,5.0E-1,-1.0E-1,1.0E-1,"5906189427729760280","5906189427729760281") |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:CONDition<condition-number>:OUTwindow:SETup <nrf>,<nrf>,<literal>|<nrf>,<literal>|<nrf>,<String>[,<String>[,…]]¶
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:CONDition<condition-number>:OUTwindow:SETup <nrf>,<nrf>,<literal>|<nrf>,<literal>|<nrf>,<String>[,<String>[,…]] |
Description |
Converts corresponding condition to a out window condition |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Converts the corresponding condition to a out window condition and sets its parameters lower level, upper level and channel ids. For lower and upper level see the channel range min-max for relevant values |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1:GET? <- NONE -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ADDCondition -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,HIGHLEVEL,0.0,OFF) -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1:OUTwindow:SETup -0.3,0.3,ON,OFF,"5906189427729760280" -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,OUTWINDOW,-3.0E-1,3.0E-1,0.0,OFF,"5906189427729760280") -> :TRIG:EV1:COND1:OUT -0.3,0.3,ON,OFF,"17342517731483713537" // short command -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,OUTWINDOW,-3.0E-1,3.0E-1,0.0,OFF,"5906189427729760280") |
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:CONDition<condition-number>:KEYBoard:SETup <literal>,<String> |
Description |
Converts corresponding condition to a keyboard condition |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Converts the corresponding condition to a keyboard condition and sets its parameters pressed behaviour and keyboard key. Note: the keyboard key should be a valid key string with “Shift”, “Ctrl”, “Alt” and a valid key char (e.g. “Ctrl+Alt+K”) |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1:GET? <- NONE -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ADDCondition -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,HIGHLEVEL,0.0,OFF) -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1:KEYBoard:SETup TOGGLE,"Ctrl+C" -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,KEYBOARD,TOGGLE,"Ctrl+C") -> :TRIG:EV1:COND1:KEYB TOGGLE,"Ctrl+C" // short command -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,KEYBOARD,TOGGLE,"Ctrl+C") |
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:CONDition<condition-number>:TIME:SETup <literal>|<String>,<literal>|<nrf>,<literal>|<nrf> |
Description |
Converts corresponding condition to a time condition |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Converts the corresponding condition to a time condition and sets its parameters first trigger time, trigger interval and active for time. Note: the first trigger time should be ON or OFF or a valid ISO 8601 time string format. if a valid Iso string is given ON is assumed automatically. |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1:GET? <- NONE -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ADDCondition -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,HIGHLEVEL,0.0,OFF) -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1:TIME:SETup "2023-11-14T12:59:00",60,20 -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,TIME,"2023-11-14T12:59:00",60.0,20.0) -> :TRIG:EV1:COND1:TIME "2023-11-14T12:59:00",60,20 // short command -> :TRIGger:EVent1:CONDition1? <- (CONDITION,TIME,"2023-11-14T12:59:00",60.0,20.0) |
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:ACTion<action-number>:GET? |
Description |
Queries the action type and all parameters of the corresponding trigger event action |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Returns the action type and all of the specific parameters for this type. Note: this is the default query in the trigger event action subsystem (see sample example). |
Return Format |
([<action-type>[,<parameter 1>[,…]]]) | NONE
For a detailed parameter name and description of all trigger event actions see the action setup commands below. |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTION1:GET? <- NONE -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ADDAction -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion? <- (ACTION,RECORDING,START) |
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:ACTion<action-number>:VALId? |
Description |
Queries validation state of the corresponding action |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Returns TRUE if the action has a valid configuration. FALSE is returned if the action does not exist, or one or more parameters are missing or mismatched (e.g. no channel assigned). |
Return Format |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1:VALId? <- TRUE |
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>::ACTion<action-number>:DELete |
Description |
Deletes the trigger action with corresponding action number |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Deletes the trigger action with the corresponding action number from the corresponding event. Note: All subsequent actions are reordered with a new action number. If no action number is specified, action 1 is deleted. |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent2? <- ON,"Event 2",(ACTION,SNAPSHOT,AVG,1.0),(ACTION,ARM,OFF) -> :TRIGger:EVent2:ACTion2:DELete -> :TRIGger:EVent2? <- ON,"Event 2",(ACTION,SNAPSHOT,AVG,1.0) |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:ACTion<action-number>:RECording:SETup <literal>¶
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:ACTion<action-number>:RECording:SETup <literal> |
Description |
Converts corresponding action to a recording action |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Converts the corresponding action to a recording action and sets its action parameter. Note: this is the default command in the trigger event action recording subsystem (see sample example). |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1:GET? <- NONE -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ADDAction -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,RECORDING,START) -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1:RECording:SETup EVENT -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,RECORDING,EVENT) -> :TRIG:EV1:ACT1:REC EVENT // short command -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,RECORDING,EVENT) |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:ACTion<action-number>:DIGOut:SETup <literal>|<nrf>,<literal|<nrf>,<literal>,<String>[,<String>[,…]]¶
Syntax |
TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:ACTion<action-number>:DIGOut:SETup <literal>|<nrf>,<literal|<nrf>,<literal>,<String>[,<String>[,…]] |
Description |
Converts corresponding action to a digital out action |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Converts the corresponding action to a digital out action and sets its action parameters. Note: this is the default command in the trigger event action digital out subsystem (see sample example). |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1:GET? <- NONE -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ADDAction -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,RECORDING,START) -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1:DIGout:SEtup 1,60,LOW,"17342517731483713537" -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,DIGITALOUT,1.0,60.0,LOW,"17342517731483713537") -> :TRIG:EV1:ACT1:DIGO 1,60,LOW,"17342517731483713537” // short command -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,DIGITALOUT,1.0,60.0,LOW,"17342517731483713537") |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:ACTion<action-number>:ALARm:SETup <literal>,<literal>|<nrf>,<literal|<nrf>,<literal>,<String>[,<String>[,…]]¶
Syntax |
TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:ACTion<action-number>:ALARm:SETup <literal>,<literal>|<nrf>,<literal|<nrf>,<literal>,<String>[,<String>[,…]] |
Description |
Converts corresponding action to a alarm action |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Converts the corresponding action to a alarm action and sets its action parameters. Note: this is the default command in the trigger event action alarm subsystem (see sample example). |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1:GET? <- NONE -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ADDAction -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,RECORDING,START) -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1:ALARm:SETup ON,1,60,LOW,"17342517731483713537" -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,ALARM,ON,1.0,60.0,LOW,"17342517731483713537") -> :TRIG:EV1:ACT1:ALAR ON,1,60,LOW,"17342517731483713537" // short command -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,ALARM,ON,1.0,60.0,LOW,"17342517731483713537") |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:ACTion<action-number>:MARKer:SETup <String>,<literal>¶
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:ACTion<action-number>:MARKer:SETup <String>,<literal> |
Description |
Converts corresponding action to a marker action |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Converts the corresponding action to a marker action and sets its action parameters. Note: this is the default command in the trigger event marker subsystem (see sample example). |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1:GET? <- NONE -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ADDAction -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,RECORDING,START) -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1:MARKer:SETup "My Marker",ONBOTH -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,MARKER,"My Marker",ONBOTH) -> :TRIG:EV1:ACT1:MARK "My Marker",ONBOTH // short command -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,MARKER,"My Marker",ONBOTH) |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:ACTion<action-number>:SNAPshot:SETup <literal>,<nrf>,<String>[,<String>[,…]]¶
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:ACTion<action-number>:SNAPshot:SETup <literal>,<nrf>|<String>,<String>[,<String>[,…]] |
Description |
Converts corresponding action to a snapshot action |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Converts the corresponding action to a snapshot and sets its action parameters. Note: this is the default command in the trigger event action snapshot subsystem (see sample example). |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1:GET? <- NONE -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ADDAction -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,RECORDING,START) -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1:SNAPshot:SETup ACTUAL,"7303155183163277312" -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,SNAPSHOT,ACTUAL,"7303155183163277312") -> :TRIG:EV1:ACT1:SNAP AVG,1.0,"7303155183163277312" // short command -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,SNAPSHOT,AVG,1.0,"7303155183163277312") |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:ACTion<action-number>:ARM:SETup <literal>¶
Syntax |
:TRIGger:EVent<event-number>:ACTion<action-number>:ARM:SETup <literal> |
Description |
Converts corresponding action to an arm action |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Converts the corresponding action to an arm and sets its action parameter. Note: this is the default command in the trigger event action arm subsystem (see sample example). |
Example |
-> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1:GET? <- NONE -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ADDAction -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,RECORDING,START) -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1:ARM:SETup ON -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,ARM,ON) -> :TRIG:EV1:ACT1:ARM ON // short command -> :TRIGger:EVent1:ACTion1? <- (ACTION,ARM,ON) |