Synchronisation Queries¶
Syntax |
Description |
Query the current synchronization hardware state |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Returns synchronization hardware state
Return Format |
Literal |
Example |
Syntax |
Description |
Returns the most important information about all enclosures in the system. |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Returns Name, Serial number and Nodename for all enclosures. |
Return Format |
(<String>,<String>,<String>)[, …] |
Example |
-> :SYNC:ENCLOSURES? <- :SYNC:ENCLOSURES ("DEWE3-A4","8008098",""),("DEWE3-A4","12323","shienar") |
Syntax |
:SYNC:ENClosure[<ENR>]:NAME? |
Description |
Returns the name of the selected enclosure |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns the name. |
Return Format |
<String> |
Example |
Syntax |
:SYNC:ENClosure[<ENR>]:SERIal? |
Description |
Returns the serial number of the selected enclosure |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns the string representation of the serial number |
Return Format |
<String> |
Example |
-> :SYNC:ENC1:SERI? <- :SYNC:ENC1:SERI "1234123" |
Syntax |
:SYNC:ENClosure[<ENR>]:NODEName? |
Description |
Returns the name of the parent node of the selected enclosure |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns the name of the parent node, or an empty string if the enclosure is owned by the local node. |
Return Format |
<String> |
Example |
-> :SYNC:ENC1:NODEN? <- :SYNC:ENC1:NODEN "shienar" |
Syntax |
:SYNC:ENClosure[<GRP>]:IN[<INR>]:MODE? |
Description |
Returns the current mode of the synchronization input |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns the currently selected sync mode for the enclosure |
Return Format |
<String> |
Example |
Syntax |
Description |
Returns information about the sync output connectors of the selected enclosure |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns the name, connector name and selected mode of the sync output |
Return Format |
(<String>,<String>,<String>)[, …] or NONE if there is no sync connector. |
Example |
-> :SYNC:ENC:OUTPUTS:LIST? <- :SYNC:ENC1:OUTPUTS ("SyncOut2","SYNC","TRION/DEWE2SyncOut"),("SyncOutAux","AUX","None"),("SyncOutPtp","PTP","None") -> :SYNC:ENC2:OUTPUTS? <- :SYNC:ENC2:OUTPUTS NONE |
Syntax |
:SYNC:ENClosure[<GRP>]:OUT[<ONR>]:NAME? |
Description |
Returns the name of the specified synchronization output |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns the name of the sync output |
Return Format |
<String> |
Example |
-> :SYNC:ENC1:OUT3:NAME? <- :SYNC:ENC1:OUT3:NAME "SyncOutPtp" |
Syntax |
:SYNC:ENClosure[<GRP>]:OUT[<ONR>]:CONNector? |
Description |
Returns the connector name of the specified synchronization output |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns the name of the sync output connector |
Return Format |
<String> |
Example |
Syntax |
:SYNC:ENClosure[<GRP>]:OUT[<ONR>]:MODE? |
Description |
Returns the current mode of the specified synchronization output connector |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns the currently selected sync mode for the connector |
Return Format |
<String> |
Example |