Data Streaming (DSTREAM)¶
The DSTREAM subsystem allows the SCPI user to configure and control fast data streaming via a TCP network protocol. This documentation describes the SCPI commands to control the subsystem. Details about the TCP transfer and examples can be found in a separate documentation.
The following SCPI commands can be used to configure and control one or more streaming groups (distinguished via a GRP number). Each group has its own list of channels and a TCP port where data is provided. Each group can be configured and started individually. Some commands provide an ALL option to start/stop all configured groups.
Each streaming group has its own internal state. It can be queried using the STATe? query. The following list describes the allowed operations in each state:
INVALID: An invalid state means the streaming group does not exist, it will be automatically created when calling configuration commands such as ITEMs and PORT
CONFIG: In the configuration state, ITEMs and PORT commands can be used to configure the group. The INIT command will initialize the subsystem.
INITIALIZED: The streaming group is initialized (e.g. has an open TCP port) and is waiting for connections and the STARt command. If a configuration command such as ITEMs or PORT is executed, the state is set back to CONFIG.
RUNNING: The streaming group is actively sending data. Call STOP to enter the INITIALIZED state again.
ERROR: If one of the channels to register is unused, the whole dataset will be discarded and the DSTREAM system will be in an error state. Use :DSTream:STATe? to get more details. It can be reset using the RESet command.
:DSTream:ITEMs[<GRP>] <channel>[,<channel>[,…]]¶
Syntax |
:DSTream:ITEMs[<GRP>] <channel>[,<channel> [,…]] |
Description |
Defines the ordered list of requested channels for one stream group GRP |
Parameter |
Explanation |
The user can specify a list of multiple channels. If one channel does not exist, is invalid or disabled, no channel is set for the streaming group (see system error log for more details). In addition, the following channel types are not supported: Digital channels, video channels and Rosette group channels. | |
Example |
Set two channels for stream group 2: AI 1/1 and AI 1/2 -> :DST:ITEMs2 "AI 1/1", "AI 1/2" |
Syntax |
:DSTream:ITEMs[<GRP>]? |
Description |
Returns the current list of requested channels for one channel group GRP |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns NONE if no items are set |
Return Format |
<ASCII String>[, <ASCII String>[, …]] | NONE |
Example |
Query the items of stream group 2: -> :DST:ITEMs2? <- "AI 1/1", "AI 1/2" |
:DSTream:PORT[<GRP>] <PORT>¶
Syntax |
:DSTream:PORT[<GRP>] <PORT> |
Description |
Configures the port number of the TCP server for a streaming group GRP |
Parameter |
Explanation |
The port must be a valid TCP port. It must not be used by any other TCP server on the local system but can be shared by multiple streaming groups of the OXYGEN instance. |
Example |
Set the TCP port for stream group 2 to 10005: -> :DST:PORT2 10005 |
Syntax |
:DSTream:PORT[<GRP>]? |
Description |
Queries the currently configured TCP port |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns the NR1 numeric value of the configured TCP port |
Return Format |
<Nr1> |
Example |
-> :DST:PORT2? <- 10005 |
:DSTream:INIT [<GRP> | ALL]¶
Syntax |
:DSTream:INIT [<GRP> | ALL] |
Description |
Initializes one or all data streaming groups and opens the TCP port |
Parameter |
Explanation |
The server will listen for new connection on the configured port |
Example |
Initializes the streaming group 1: -> :DST:INIT 1 |
:DSTream:STARt [<GRP> | ALL]¶
Syntax |
:DSTream:STARt [<GRP> | ALL] |
Description |
Starts streaming of one or all data streaming groups |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Only possible after calling INIT for the specified group(s). |
Example |
Start streaming for all configured streaming groups: -> :DST:STARt ALL |
:DSTream:STOP [<GRP> | ALL]¶
Syntax |
:DSTream:STOP [<GRP> | ALL] |
Description |
Stops streaming of one or all data streaming groups |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Only possible after calling STARt for the specified group(s). After stopping, the streaming group is in INITIALIZED state. |
Example |
Stop streaming for all configured streaming groups: -> :DST:STOP ALL |
:DSTream:DELete [<GRP> | ALL]¶
Syntax |
:DSTream:DELete [<GRP> | ALL] |
Description |
Deletes a configured streaming group |
Parameter |
Explanation |
The streaming group must be in config state. All ITEMs and port settings are deleted. |
Example |
Delete streaming group 1: -> :DST:DEL 1 |
: DSTream:RESet¶
Syntax |
:DSTream:RESet |
Description |
Resets the data streaming subsystem |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Stops the server if started, and resets the configuration to its default settings |
Example |
-> :DST:RES |
: DSTream:STATe[<GRP>]?¶
Syntax |
:DSTream:STATe[<GRP>]? |
Description |
Queries the internal state of the data streaming subsystem |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Return Format |
<ASCII String>[, <ASCII String>[, …]] | NONE |
Example |
Query the state of the streaming group 1 (default value): -> :DST:STATe? <- CONFIG |
: DSTream:TRIG[<GRP>] {ON|OFF}¶
Syntax |
:DSTream:TRIG[<GRP>] {ON|OFF} |
Description |
Configure a streaming group to send data only when a trigger is active |
Parameter |
Explanation |
When this property is enabled for a streaming group, data will only be streamed during a triggered measurement, while any waveform recording trigger is active. |
Example |
Enable the triggered mode of streaming group 1 (default value): -> :DST:TRIG ON |
: DSTream:TRIG[<GRP>]?¶
Syntax |
:DSTream:TRIG[<GRP>]? |
Description |
Query the triggered property for a given streaming group |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Example |
Query the triggered mode of streaming group 1 (default value): -> :DST:TRIG? <- ON |
Syntax |
Description |
Sets the datasream REPLAY state |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Sets the data streaming REPLAY mode. Possible values are LIVE or BULK |
Example |
-> : DSTream:REPLAY BULK -> : DSTream:REPLAY? <- BULK |
: DSTream:REPLAY[<GRP>]?¶
Syntax |
:DSTream:REPLAY? |
Description |
Query the dstream REPLAY state |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Example |
Syntax |
Description |
Configure a streaming group to send data blocks with a given time interval |
Parameter |
Explanation |
When this property is set for a streaming group, data will be sent in blocks of the given time interval. |
Example |
-> : DSTream:INTERVAL 200 -> : DSTream:INTERVAL? <- 200 |
Syntax |
Description |
Query the interval property for a given streaming group |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns the current value of the interval property for a stream group, possible values are between 100 and 1000 milliseconds. |
Example |
-> :DST:INTERVAL? <- 100 |