Channel List Access¶
Syntax |
:CHANNELlist:NAMes? |
Description |
Queries the long name and ids of all OXYGEN channels |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Returns a list of elements alternating the numeric channel-id and the channel-name |
Return Format |
(<String >, <String>)[,(< String >, <String>),…) | NONE |
Example |
-> :CHANNEL:NAMes? <- ("5770799963931934732","AI 2/1 Sim"),("5770799963931934733","AI 2/2 Sim") |
Syntax |
:CHANNELlist:IDs? [<channelname>[,<channelname>[,…]]] |
Description |
Queries the ids of all or selected channels. For selection use the channels long name as parameter. |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns a list of channel-ids. |
Return Format |
(<String>[,<String >, …]) | NONE |
Example |
-> :CHANNEL:IDs? <- "5770799963931934732","5770799963931934733" ... -> :CHANNEL:ID? "AI 2/6 Sim" <- :CHANNEL:ID "9310347796068433946" ... -> :CHANNEL:IDs? "AI 2/1 Sim","AI 2/2 Sim" <- :CHANNEL:ID "7565484415439077397", "7565484415439077398" |
The following channel config items (properties) should be possible to access (if available for channel type):
Key |
Explanation |
Type |
Neon/Active |
Indicates that the selected channel is enabled |
Boolean |
Neon/LongName |
Channel name and device |
String |
Neon/Name |
Channel name |
String |
Neon/PhysicalScaleFactor |
Scale factor for the selected channel |
Floating Point |
Neon/PhysicalScaleOffset |
Scale offset for the selected channel |
Floating Point |
Neon/Stored |
Indicates whether the channel data will be recorded to the datafile |
Range |
Physical measurement range |
SampleRate |
Sample rate (sample frequency) of an OXYGEN channel |
Unit |
Physical measurement unit |
String |
Used |
Indicates that the selected channel is enabled |
Boolean |
You can obtain all possible config items with the query
described below.
Since a single config items describes a different aspect of an OXYGEN channels, they can have different types. This can be a single value of a fundamental type (Boolean) or a compound of values with different types (SCALAR). See the next table to evaluate OXYGEN config item types:
Config Item Type |
SCPI parameter type |
Example |
Boolean |
<Boolean> |
Signed Integer |
Numeric <Nr1> or <Nr2> or <Nr3> |
1, -5 |
Unsigned Integer |
Numeric <Nr1> or <Nr2> or <Nr3> |
1, 1.0E-5 |
Floating point |
Numeric <Nrf> |
3.14, 0.001, 1.0E-5, -5E3 |
String |
<String> |
“AI 2/1 Sim” |
<String> Literal,<String>,<String> |
ENUM,”ChannelStored”,”Auto” |
Extended Numeric <Nrf> <Nrf,>String> Literal,<Numeric>,<String> |
0.01Hz 0.01,”Hz” SCALAR,0.0,”ms” |
Extended Numeric <Nrf>,<Nrf> Literal,<Numeric>,<String>,<Numeric>,<String> |
0V,10.0V RANGE,-10.0,”V”,10.0,”V” |
RATIO (RationalScalar) |
<Nr1>,<Nr1>,<String> Literal,<Numeric>,<Numeric>,<String>, |
RATIO,1,3,”V” |
<String> |
CHANNEL_ID,”199432” |
<String>,…,<String> |
CHANNEL_ID_VECTOR,”199432”,”199435” |
For receiving the value of a single item use queries
or :CHANNELlist:PROPerty?
Please note that the spectrum of config items can vary with different channel types. Some of the config items are read only and cannot be changed.
:: test: “:CHANNELlist:ITEM<ChannelID>:ATTR:NAMes?”
Syntax |
:CHANNELlist:ITEM<ChannelID>:ATTR:NAMes? |
Description |
Queries the names (keys) of properties (config-items) of a given channel |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Returns a list of available attribute names |
Return Format |
(<String > [,<String >, …]) | NONE |
Example |
-> :CHANNEL:ITEM8316741119689883648:ATTR:NAMes? <- "ChannelType","DefaultName","Neon/Name","Neon/Stored" |
Syntax |
:CHANNELlist:ITEM<ChannelID>:ATTR:VAL? <PropertyName> |
Description |
Queries a specific property (config-item) of an channel |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns the name of the property as string and the value of the property in the most appropriate format |
Return Format |
ON | OFF | (<String>,<String>) | (<String>,<NRf>,<String>) | (<String>,<NRf>) | (<String>,<NRf>,<NRf>) | (<String>,<NR1>) | (<String>,<NR1>,<NR1>) | (<String>,<NRf>,<String>,<NRf>,<String>) | NONE |
Example |
-> :CHANNEL:ITEM5770799963931934732:ATTR:VAL? "Range" <- (RANGE,-10.0,"V",10.0,"V") |
Syntax |
:CHANNELlist:PROPerty? <ChannelID>,<PropertyName> |
Description |
Queries a specific property (config-item) of an OXYGEN channel |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns the value(s) of the property in the most appropriate format.
For finding possible channel IDs you can use the SCPI query |
Return Format |
ON | OFF | (<String>,<String>) | (<String>,<NRf>,<String>) | (<String>,<NRf>) | (<String>,<NRf>,<NRf>) | (<String>,<NR1>) | (<String>,<NR1>,<NR1>) | (<String>,<NRf>,<String>,<NRf>,<String>) | NONE |
Example |
-> :CHANNEL:PROPerty? "5770799963931934732","Range" <- (RANGE,-10.0,"V",10.0,"V") |
Syntax |
:CHANNELlist:PROPerty <ChannelID>,<PropertyName>,<PARAM>[,<PARAM>[,….]] |
Description |
Set the value[s] of a specific property (config-item) of a given channel |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Set the value[s] of a channel specific config item. The number and the type of the value[s] depends from the type of the config item.
For finding possible channel IDs you can use the SCPI query |
Example |
-> :CHANNEL:PROP? "15451287354374881280","Unit" <- :CHANNEL:PROP "V" -> :CHANNEL:PROP "15451287354374881280","Unit","A" -> :CHANNEL:PROP? "15451287354374881280","Unit" <- :CHANNEL:PROP "A" ... -> :CHANNEL:PROP? "15451287354374881280","Neon/Stored" <- :CHANNEL:PROP (ENUM,"ChannelStored","No") -> :CHANNEL:PROP "15451287354374881280","Neon/Stored","Auto" -> :CHANNEL:PROP? "15451287354374881280","Neon/Stored” <- :CHANNEL:PROP (ENUM,"ChannelStored","Auto") -> :CHANNEL:PROP "15451287354374881280","Neon/Stored",ENUM,"ChannelStored","No" -> :CHANNEL:PROP? "15451287354374881280","Neon/Stored” <- :CHANNEL:PROP (ENUM,"ChannelStored","No") |
Syntax |
:CHANNELlist:CONSTRaint? <ChannelID>,<PropertyName> |
Description |
Queries the constraints of a specific property (config-item) of a given channel |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns the constraints(s) of a channel property in the most appropriate format.
For finding possible channel IDs you can use the |
Return Format |
(<String>,<String>) | (<String>,<NRf>,<String>) | (<String>,<NRf>) | (<String>,<NRf>,<NRf>) | (<String>,<NR1>) | (<String>,<NR1>,<NR1>) | (<String>,<NRf>,<String>,<NRf>,<String>) | NONE |
Example |
-> :CHANNEL:CONSTR? "3348707789336739861","InputType" <- :CHANNEL:CONSTR (STRING,"SE"),(STRING,"DIFF") |
Syntax |
:CHANNELlist:TIMing:HIGHest? |
Description |
Queries the highest timing interval from all used and valid sync channels |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Returns the timing interval of the channel with the lowest sample rate in seconds |
Return Format |
<NRf>|NONE |
Example |
-> :CHANNELlist:TIMing:HIGHest? <- :CHANNEL:TIM:HIGH 1.0E-3 |
Syntax |
:CHANNELlist:TIMing:LOWest? |
Description |
Queries the lowest timing interval from all used and valid sync channels |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Returns the timing interval of the channel with the highest sample rate in seconds |
Return Format |
<NRf>|NONE |
Example |
-> :CHANNELlist:TIMing:LOWest? <- CHANNEL:TIM:LOW 1.0E-4 |
Syntax |
:CHANNELlist:SATuration:VALue? {ALL | <ChannelID>} |
Description |
Queries the saturation of all or a selected OXYGEN scalar channel |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns the saturation in % since acquisition start. |
Return Format |
<NRf>|NONE |
Example |
-> :CHANNELlist:IDs? "AI 2/1 Sim" <- :CHANNEL:ID "17770359696083910677" ... -> :CHANNELlist:SATuration:VALue? "17770359696083910677" <- :CHANNEL:SAT:VAL 79.999988079070334 ... -> :CHANNELlist:SATuration:VALue? ALL <- :CHANNEL:SAT:VAL ("4045076881718902815",1.420911867502358E-2),("4045076881718902816",97.500000002468752), ("4045076881718902819",1.420911867502358E-2),("17770359696083910677",79.999988079070334) |
Syntax |
:CHANNELlist:SATuration:RESet |
Description |
Resets the saturation of all OXYGEN scalar channels |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Rejects the saturation value of all OXYGEN scalar channels and restarts saturation calculation again. |
Example |
-> :CHANNELlist:IDs? "AI 2/1 Sim" <- :CHANNEL:ID "17770359696083910677" ... -> :CHANNELlist:SATuration:VALue? "17770359696083910677" <- :CHANNEL:SAT:VAL 79.999988079070334 ... -> :CHANNELlist:SATuration:RESet -> :CHANNELlist:SATuration:VALue? "17770359696083910677" <- :CHANNEL:SAT:VAL 10.942228000000001 |
Syntax |
:CHANNELlist:FIResponse? {<ChannelID>[,<size> [,<logarithmic frequency>,<logarithmic amplitude>]]} |
Description |
Queries the Finite Impuls Response of a FIR group channel |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Returns a size number of frequency/amplitude pairs. |
Return Format |
<(NR3,NR3),(NR3,NR3),…>|NONE |
Example |
-> :CHANNELlist:IDs? "FIR_1" <- :CHANNEL:ID "6693480426557669376" ... -> :CHANNELlist:FIR? "6693480426557669376" <- :CHANNEL:FIR (2.5E+2,-9.757726E-3),(3.1473135E+2,1.7361388E-2),(3.962233E+2,9.5682509E-2),... ... -> :CHANNELlist:FIR? "6693480426557669376",10 <- :CHANNEL:FIR (2.5E+2,-9.757726E-3),(3.1473135E+2,1.7361388E-2),(3.962233E+2,9.5682509E-2),... ... -> :CHANNELlist:FIR? "6693480426557669376",100,OFF,ON <- :CHANNEL:FIR (0.0E+0,10.0E-1),(2.5E+1,9.9526759E-1),(5.0E+1,9.9768966E-1),(7.5E+1,9.9899028E-1), (1.0E+2,9.9419968E-1),(1.25E+2,1.0003403E+0),(1.5E+2,9.9625236E-1),(1.75E+2,9.9527457E-1), (2.0E+2,1.0019049E+0),(2.25E+2,9.9261725E-1),(2.5E+2,9.9887723E-1),(2.75E+2,1.0009722E+0), (3.0E+2,9.8937606E-1),(3.25E+2,1.005167E+0),(3.5E+2,9.9566524E-1),... ... |
Channel Actions¶
For OXYGEN channels some actions can be invoked, which results more or less in an config update for the channel. Not all actions can be invoked on each channel at any time. This depends on the channel type and its mode. With the following SCPI subsystems the corresponding action can be invoked or queried.
The following table shows the available action subsystems for OXYGEN channels
Action |
Description |
Channel Zero
The zero action calculates the channel scaling offset |
Bridge Balance
The bridge balance action calculates the sensor offset in bridge mode |
Shunt ON
The shunt on action enables the bridge shunt |
Shunt OFF
The shunt off action disables the bridge shunt |
For each action an available query and an exec command is registered.
Syntax |
:CHANNELlist:ITEM<ChannelID>:ACTion:<action>:AVAil |
Description |
Queries the current <action> availability of the given OXYGEN channel |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Checks if an <action> for the corresponding channel is able to invoke. |
Return Format |
Example |
-> :CHANNELlist:ITEM5310588377010012183:ACTion:SHUNT:OFF:AVAil? //full command <- OFF //action is not available |
Syntax |
:CHANNELlist:ITEM<ChannelID>:ACTion:<action>:EXEc |
Description |
Execute the <action> of the given OXYGEN channel |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Invoke the <action> on the corresponding channel. This is the default command of the action subsystem. |
Example |
-> :CHANNELlist:ITEM5310588377010012183:ACTion:ZERO:EXEc //full command ... -> :CHANNEL:ITEM5770799963931934732:ACTION:ZERO //used as default -> :CHANNEL:ITEM5310588377010012183:ACT:SHUNT:OFF //used as default |
CHANNELlist:ACTion:<action>:AVAil? <channelname_or_id>[,<channelname_or_id>[,..]]¶
Syntax |
:CHANNELlist:ACTion:<action>:AVAil? <channelname_or_id>[,<channelname_or_id>[,…]] |
Description |
Queries the action state for several channels |
Parameter |
Explanation |
Checks if an <action> for the corresponding channels is able to invoke. |
Return Format |
(<String >, ON | OFF)[,(< String >, ON | OFF),…) | NONE |
Example |
-> :CHANNELlist:ACTion:ZERO:AVAil? "5310588377010012160","5310588377010012183" <- ("5310588377010012160",OFF),("5310588377010012183",ON) |
CHANNELlist:ACTion:<action>:EXEc <channelname_or_id>[,<channelname_or_id>[,…]]¶
Syntax |
CHANNELlist:ACTion:<action>:EXEc <channelname_or_id>[,<channelname_or_id>[,…]] |
Description |
Executes the action on selected channels |
Parameter |
Explanation |
The zero action resets the offset of the linear scaling function for a set of channels. |
Example |
-> :CHANNELlist:ACTion:ZERO:EXEc "16823196399452553216","AI 1/2 Sim" ... -> :CHANNEL:ACT:ZERO "5310588377010012160","5310588377010012183" |