Analysis Control¶
With the following commands and queries you can control the OXYGEN analysis mode.
Please note, when the OXYGEN analysis mode is active, several commands of other subsystems do not make sense and would return an execution error. The start/restart of oxygens acquisition is not possible in analysis mode. Several commands from the recording control would also return execution errors. The loading of setup files is not possible, but saving the setup of the current loaded dmd files is possible.
Syntax |
:ANAlysis:ACTIve |
Description |
Queries the OXYGEN analysis state |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Return true if the OXYGEN is in the file analysis state. |
Return Format |
<Boolean> |
Example |
-> :ANAlysis:ACTIve? <- 0 |
:ANAlysis:OPEN <file_name>|<path>[,<file_name>|<path>[,…]]¶
Syntax |
:ANAlysis:OPEN <file_name>|<path>[,<file_name>|<path>[,…]] |
Description |
Load specified data files. |
Parameter |
Explanation |
This command loads one or more measurement data files. If the specified file path is relative, the file is loaded from the current recording directory. The <file_name> does not need to include the file extension “.dmd”. If one file cannot be loaded, Oxygen switches back to live mode and returns one of the following error codes in the error queue.
Example |
-> :ANAlysis:OPEN "file1.dmd" -> :ANAlysis:ACTIve? <- 1 ... -> :ANAlysis:OPEN "file1.dmd","file2.dmd" ... -> :ANAlysis:OPEN "d:/DATA/file1.dmd","d:/DATA/file2.dmd" |
Syntax |
:ANAlysis:CLOSe |
Parameter |
None |
Description |
Closes all opened data files. |
Explanation |
This command closes all opened measurement data files. Oxygen returns to live mode. |
Example |
-> :ANAlysis:CLOSe |
Syntax |
:ANAlysis:FILES? |
Description |
Queries all opened data FILES. |
Parameter |
None |
Explanation |
Returns a list of all opened FILES. The returned filename is an absolute path. |
Return Format |
(<String>[,<String >, …]) | NONE |
Example |
-> :ANAlysis:FILES? <- "d:/DATA/file1.dmd","d:/DATA/file2.dmd" |